Monday, October 16, 2017

(Spiritual) Prison Break (Out of the MTC)


This week has flown by so fast its not even funny, I leave Tuesday morning at 3:40 from the MTC and then the long flights begin, First we go from SLC to Dallas, then Dallas to London, London to Milan. Longest one will be the one from Dallas to London we jump through a lot of time zones so I'm planning on sleeping on that flight! This week was pretty mild though lots of teaching "invesigators" had a TRC with some native speakers which is just a Skype call to them from the MTC then we teach them. Sunday night though we had a devotional from the MTC President Martino who served his mission in Milan!!! which was cool oh ya he also came to all of our Sunday meetings so sacrament and priesthood and district meeting. It was cool to talk to him and have his insights on everything! Tuesday we had D. Todd Christofferson come and he talked about the Book of Mormon, all about the publication and why it's so important that we teach from it. Wednesday nothing crazy happened same with yesterday. BBUUUT today they dedicated the new buildings President Eyring dedicated it and Elder Oaks came to conduct. Sister Oscarson came as well and they all talked about the Light that the missionaries are when they come out and serve the Lord for 18-24 months of our lives! This week we've been also learning a lot about the importance of member missionaries! Members your still considered missionaries if you know the missionaries I would suggest helping them out the members are the #1 way to baptize! If you don't know the missionaries get to know them!! I don't really know what else happened this week... Let me know what's going on in you life! Love you all! 
Remember who you are and what He wants you to become!
Become as He is!
Love, Anziano Harrison
We didn't get any pictures this week - except Peyton got a random snap from a friend who works at the MTC, we were crying with happiness when we got it!
 He is SO READY to leave for MILAN tomorrow! I get to talk to him in the morning :) Happy mamma!

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